SymbolType (Enumeration)

This page describes SymbolType enumeration

SymbolType enumeration defines the type of the trading symbol.

StockRepresents an equity symbol, like AAPL, TATAMOTORS, etc.,
FuturesStockRepresents a stock futures symbol, like TATAMOTORS_26JUL2021, etc., Applicable for India only for now.
OptionsStockRepresents a stock options symbol, like TATAMOTORS_26JUL2021_PE_200, etc., Applicable for India only for now.
FuturesIndexRepresents a index futures symbol, like NIFTY_26JUL2021, etc., Applicable for India only for now.
OptionsIndexRepresents a index options symbol, like NIFTY_26JUL2021_PE_200, etc., Applicable for India only for now.

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