Downloading strategy logs, state and stats

This page guides you through the steps required to download your strategy logs, state and stats to your local system

Downloading strategy logs

Whether it is backtesting or live/paper trading, you can list and download your strategy logs any time using the below commands. The logs will be downloaded to the log sub folder of the current folder from where Algorum CLI is running.

log-backtest-listList the log files available for a given strategy backtest runs
log-backtest-downloadDownload the log files available for a given strategy backtest runs within a given date range
log-listList the log files available for a given strategy live/paper trading runs
log-downloadDownload the log files available for a given strategy live/paper trading runs within a given date range
log-raw-downloadDownload the raw log files generated for your strategy container in Algorum Cloud. These logs may not contain the logs that you write using LogAsync method. These logs are primarily used to trouble shoot any failure during strategy backtesting or trading start-up and any environment issues in your strategy.
log-adhoc-backtest-downloadDownload the log file related to your dynamically generated strategy id, which you can see in the
user-log-downloadDownload the log file related to your quant engine.

Downloading strategy state

Whether it is backtesting or live/paper trading, you can list and download your strategy state any time using the below commands. The state files will be downloaded to the state sub folder of the current folder from where Algorum CLI is running.

strategy-backtest-get-state-listList the state keys available for a give strategy backtest run
strategy-backtest-get-stateDownload the state keys and their data for a given strategy backtest run
strategy-get-state-listList the state keys available for a give strategy live/paper trading run
strategy-get-stateDownload the state keys and their data for a given strategy live/paper trading run

Downloading strategy stats

Apart from seeing a running progress and stats that your strategy published, in Algorum CLI, you can download the stats from Algorum Cloud using the below commands. The state files will be downloaded to the stats sub folder of the current folder from where Algorum CLI is running.

strategy-backtest-get-statsDownload the stats that your strategy backtest published to the Algorum Cloud.
strategy-get-statsDownload the stats that your strategy paper/live trading published to the Algorum Cloud.