Symbol (Class)

This page describes the Symbol class

Symbol class defines a trading symbol.

PropertyProperty TypeDescription
SymbolTypeSymbolTypeType of the symbol like Stock, Futures, etc.,
TickerStringTicker name of the symbol like, AAPL, TATAMOTORS, etc.,
FNOPeriodTypeFNOPeriodTypeFutures & Options period type, like Monthly option or Weekly option. This parameter is ignored for SymbolType Stock.
FNOMonthinteger (32-bit integer)Expiry month of the Futures or Options symbol. Starts with 0 for current month. This parameter is ignored for SymbolType Stock.
FNOWeekinteger (32-bit integer)Expiry week of the Futures or Options symbol. Starts with 0 for current week. This parameter is ignored for SymbolType Stock.
ScripTokenlong (64-bit Integer)Used internally by Algorum. No need to fill in this property by your strategy.
OptionTypeOptionTypeType of the option in case of option symbol, like PE, CE.
OptionValuedouble (floating point value)Strike price of the option in case of option symbol.
ExpiryDateDateTimeExpiry date of the futures or options contract.