Symbol (Class)
This page describes the Symbol class
Symbol class defines a trading symbol.
Property | Property Type | Description |
SymbolType | SymbolType | Type of the symbol like Stock, Futures, etc., |
Ticker | String | Ticker name of the symbol like, AAPL, TATAMOTORS, etc., |
FNOPeriodType | FNOPeriodType | Futures & Options period type, like Monthly option or Weekly option. This parameter is ignored for SymbolType Stock. |
FNOMonth | integer (32-bit integer) | Expiry month of the Futures or Options symbol. Starts with 0 for current month. This parameter is ignored for SymbolType Stock. |
FNOWeek | integer (32-bit integer) | Expiry week of the Futures or Options symbol. Starts with 0 for current week. This parameter is ignored for SymbolType Stock. |
ScripToken | long (64-bit Integer) | Used internally by Algorum. No need to fill in this property by your strategy. |
OptionType | OptionType | Type of the option in case of option symbol, like PE, CE. |
OptionValue | double (floating point value) | Strike price of the option in case of option symbol. |
ExpiryDate | DateTime | Expiry date of the futures or options contract. |
Updated about 3 years ago
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