Candlestick Pattern Indicators
This page describes the candlestick pattern indicators
Candlestick Patterns
Abandoned Baby Bearish Candlestick Pattern (ABANDONEDBABYBEAR)
A bearish abandoned baby is a specialized candlestick pattern consisting of three candles, one with rising prices, a second with holding prices, and a third with falling prices. Technical analysts expect that this pattern signals at least a short-term reversal in a currently upward trending price.
The signal is usually followed by bearish performance over the short term.
public async Task<double> ABANDONEDBABYBEARAsync( double period )
def abandoned_baby_bear(self, period: float):
Parameter | Parameter Type | Expected Values | Remarks |
period | double (floating point value) | 5-20 | If the period value is 0, a default value of 10 will be used. |
Return: | double (floating point value) | 0 (No Pattern Found), 1 (Pattern Found) |
Abandoned Baby Bullish Candlestick Pattern (ABANDONEDBABYBULL)
The bullish abandoned baby is a type of candlestick pattern that is used by traders to signal a reversal of a downtrend. It forms in a downtrend and is composed of three price bars. The first is a large down candle, followed by a doji candle that gaps below the first candle. The next candle opens higher than the doji and moves aggressively to the upside.
The expectation is that the price will continue to move higher as the pattern shows that selling has been at least temporarily exhausted.
public async Task<double> ABANDONEDBABYBULLAsync( double period )
def abandoned_baby_bull(self, period: float):
Parameter | Parameter Type | Expected Values | Remarks |
period | double (floating point value) | 5-20 | If the period value is 0, a default value of 10 will be used. |
Return: | double (floating point value) | 0 (No Pattern Found), 1 (Pattern Found) |
Big Black Candle Bearish Candlestick Pattern (BIGBLACKCANDLE)
Big Black Candle Has an unusually long black body with a wide range between high and low. Prices open near the high and close near the low. Considered a bearish pattern.
public async Task<double> BIGBLACKCANDLEAsync( double period )
def big_black_candle(self, period: float):
Parameter | Parameter Type | Expected Values | Remarks |
period | double (floating point value) | 5-20 | If the period value is 0, a default value of 10 will be used. |
Return: | double (floating point value) | 0 (No Pattern Found), 1 (Pattern Found) |
Big White Candle Bullish Candlestick Pattern (BIGWHITECANDLE)
Big White Candle Has an unusually long white body with a wide range between high and low of the day. Prices open near the low and close near the high. Considered a bullish pattern.
public async Task<double> BIGWHITECANDLEAsync( double period )
def big_white_candle(self, period: float):
Parameter | Parameter Type | Expected Values | Remarks |
period | double (floating point value) | 5-20 | If the period value is 0, a default value of 10 will be used. |
Return: | double (floating point value) | 0 (No Pattern Found), 1 (Pattern Found) |
Black Marubozu Bearish Candlestick Pattern (BLACKMARUBOZU)
The word marubozu means "bald head" in Japanese, and this is reflected in the candlestick's lack of wicks. The Black Marubozu is a one day bearish pattern. Here the open is equal to the day high and the close is equal to the day low. It is a long black (down, or red on the charts) candle, with little to zero upper or lower shadows. The pattern shows that sellers controlled the trading day from open to close.
public async Task<double> BLACKMARUBOZUAsync( double period )
def black_marubozu(self, period: float):
Parameter | Parameter Type | Expected Values | Remarks |
period | double (floating point value) | 5-20 | If the period value is 0, a default value of 10 will be used. |
Return: | double (floating point value) | 0 (No Pattern Found), 1 (Pattern Found) |
Doji Indecision Candlestick Pattern (DOJI)
The doji is a commonly found pattern in a candlestick chart of financially traded assets in technical analysis. It is characterized by being small in length; meaning a small trading range; with an opening and closing price that are virtually equal. The efficacy of technical analysis is disputed by the efficient-market hypothesis, which states that stock market prices are essentially unpredictable.
The doji represents indecision in the market. A doji is not as significant if the market is not clearly trending, as non-trending markets are inherently indicative of indecision. If the doji forms in an uptrend or downtrend, this is normally seen as significant, as it is a signal that the buyers are losing conviction when formed in an uptrend and a signal that sellers are losing conviction if seen in a downtrend.
public async Task<double> DOJIAsync( double period )
def doji(self, period: float):
Parameter | Parameter Type | Expected Values | Remarks |
period | double (floating point value) | 5-20 | If the period value is 0, a default value of 10 will be used. |
Return: | double (floating point value) | 0 (No Pattern Found), 1 (Pattern Found) |
Dragon Fly Doji Indecision Candlestick Pattern (DRAGONFLYDOJI)
Dragonfly Doji Formed when the opening and the closing prices are at the highest of the day. If it has a longer lower shadow it signals a more bullish trend. When appearing at market bottoms it is considered to be a reversal signal.
public async Task<double> DRAGONFLYDOJIAsync( double period )
def dragonfly_doji(self, period: float):
Parameter | Parameter Type | Expected Values | Remarks |
period | double (floating point value) | 5-20 | If the period value is 0, a default value of 10 will be used. |
Return: | double (floating point value) | 0 (No Pattern Found), 1 (Pattern Found) |
Engulfing Bearish Candlestick Pattern (ENGULFINGBEAR)
A bearish engulfing pattern is a technical chart pattern that signals lower prices to come. The pattern consists of an up (white or green) candlestick followed by a large down (black or red) candlestick that eclipses or "engulfs" the smaller up candle. The pattern can be important because it shows sellers have overtaken the buyers and are pushing the price more aggressively down (down candle) than the buyers were able to push it up (up candle).
public async Task<double> ENGULFINGBEARAsync( double period )
def engulfing_bear(self, period: float):
Parameter | Parameter Type | Expected Values | Remarks |
period | double (floating point value) | 5-20 | If the period value is 0, a default value of 10 will be used. |
Return: | double (floating point value) | 0 (No Pattern Found), 1 (Pattern Found) |
Engulfing Bullish Candlestick Pattern (ENGULFINGBULL)
A bullish engulfing pattern is a candlestick chart pattern that forms when a small black candlestick is followed the next day by a large white candlestick, the body of which completely overlaps or engulfs the body of the previous day's candlestick.
public async Task<double> ENGULFINGBULLAsync( double period )
def engulfing_bull(self, period: float):
Parameter | Parameter Type | Expected Values | Remarks |
period | double (floating point value) | 5-20 | If the period value is 0, a default value of 10 will be used. |
Return: | double (floating point value) | 0 (No Pattern Found), 1 (Pattern Found) |
Evening Doji Star Bearish Candlestick Pattern (EVENINGDOJISTAR)
An Evening Doji Star consists of a long bullish candle, followed by a Doji that has gapped above it, then a third bearish candle that closes well within the body of the first candle and in doing so confirming the reversal. It is considered a strong bearish price reversal candlestick pattern.
public async Task<double> EVENINGDOJISTARAsync( double period )
def evening_doji_star(self, period: float):
Parameter | Parameter Type | Expected Values | Remarks |
period | double (floating point value) | 5-20 | If the period value is 0, a default value of 10 will be used. |
Return: | double (floating point value) | 0 (No Pattern Found), 1 (Pattern Found) |
Evening Star Bearish Candlestick Pattern (EVENINGSTAR)
An Evening Star is a stock-price chart pattern used by technical analysts to detect when a trend is about to reverse. It is a bearish candlestick pattern consisting of three candles: a large white candlestick, a small-bodied candle, and a red candle.
Evening Star patterns are associated with the top of a price uptrend, signifying that the uptrend is nearing its end. The opposite of the Evening Star is the Morning Star pattern, which is viewed as a bullish indicator.
public async Task<double> EVENINGSTARAsync( double period )
def evening_star(self, period: float):
Parameter | Parameter Type | Expected Values | Remarks |
period | double (floating point value) | 5-20 | If the period value is 0, a default value of 10 will be used. |
Return: | double (floating point value) | 0 (No Pattern Found), 1 (Pattern Found) |
Four Priced Doji Indecision Candlestick Pattern (FOURPRICEDOJI)
Four price doji is a candlestick where open, high, low, and close are all the same. This candle reflects the highest extent of indecision between bulls and bears. This candle is normally seen on low trading volume. It often appears in pre-market and after hours trading.
public async Task<double> FOURPRICEDOJIAsync( double period )
def four_price_doji(self, period: float):
Parameter | Parameter Type | Expected Values | Remarks |
period | double (floating point value) | 5-20 | If the period value is 0, a default value of 10 will be used. |
Return: | double (floating point value) | 0 (No Pattern Found), 1 (Pattern Found) |
Gravestone Doji Bearish Candlestick Pattern (GRAVESTONEDOJI)
A gravestone doji is a bearish reversal candlestick pattern that is formed when the open, low, and closing prices are all near each other with a long upper shadow. The long upper shadow suggests that the bullish advance in the beginning of the session was overcome by bears by the end of the session, which often comes just before a longer term bearish downtrend.
public async Task<double> GRAVESTONEDOJIAsync( double period )
def grave_stone_doji(self, period: float):
Parameter | Parameter Type | Expected Values | Remarks |
period | double (floating point value) | 5-20 | If the period value is 0, a default value of 10 will be used. |
Return: | double (floating point value) | 0 (No Pattern Found), 1 (Pattern Found) |
Hammer Bullish Candlestick Pattern (HAMMER)
A hammer is a price pattern in candlestick charting that occurs when a security trades significantly lower than its opening, but rallies within the period to close near opening price. This pattern forms a hammer-shaped candlestick, in which the lower shadow is at least twice the size of the real body. The body of the candlestick represents the difference between the open and closing prices, while the shadow shows the high and low prices for the period.
public async Task<double> HAMMERAsync( double period )
def hammer(self, period: float):
Parameter | Parameter Type | Expected Values | Remarks |
period | double (floating point value) | 5-20 | If the period value is 0, a default value of 10 will be used. |
Return: | double (floating point value) | 0 (No Pattern Found), 1 (Pattern Found) |
Hanging Man Bearish Candlestick Pattern (HANGINGMAN)
A hanging man is a bearish reversal candlestick pattern that occurs after a price advance. The advance can be small or large, but should be composed of at least a few price bars moving higher overall.
The candle must have a small real body and a long lower shadow that is at least twice the size as the real body. There is little or no upper shadow. The close of the hanging man can be above or below open, it just needs to be near the open so the real body is small.
The long lower shadow of the hanging man shows that sellers were able to take control for part of the trading period. The hanging man pattern is just a warning. The price must move lower on the next candle in order for the hanging man to be a valid reversal pattern. This is called confirmation. Traders typically exit long trades or enter short trades during or after the confirmation candle, not before.
public async Task<double> HANGINGMANAsync( double period )
def hanging_man(self, period: float):
Parameter | Parameter Type | Expected Values | Remarks |
period | double (floating point value) | 5-20 | If the period value is 0, a default value of 10 will be used. |
Return: | double (floating point value) | 0 (No Pattern Found), 1 (Pattern Found) |
Inverted Hammer Bullish Candlestick Pattern (INVERTEDHAMMER)
Inverted Hammer is a bullish reversal pattern. This pattern is characterized by a long upper shadow and a small real body, appearing after a long black real body. It resembles with Bearish Shooting Star.
This pattern appears in a downtrend. In this pattern, a long black candle appears on first day. On second day, a small real body appears, which forms at the lower end of range. Second day's candle has upper shadow, which is at least twice as long as the real body and does not have lower shadow.
public async Task<double> INVERTEDHAMMERAsync( double period )
def inverted_hammer(self, period: float):
Parameter | Parameter Type | Expected Values | Remarks |
period | double (floating point value) | 5-20 | If the period value is 0, a default value of 10 will be used. |
Return: | double (floating point value) | 0 (No Pattern Found), 1 (Pattern Found) |
Long Legged Doji Indecision Candlestick Pattern (LONGLEGGEDDOJI)
The long-legged doji is a candlestick that consists of long upper and lower shadows and has approximately the same opening and closing price. The candlestick signals indecision about the future direction of the underlying security.
It is used by some traders to warn that indecision is entering the market after a strong advance. It may also warn that a strong downtrend may be experiencing indecision before making a move to the upside.
Long-legged dojis may also mark the start of a consolidation period, where the price forms one or more long-legged dojis before moving into a tighter pattern or breaks out to form a new trend.
public async Task<double> LONGLEGGEDDOJIAsync( double period )
def long_legged_doji(self, period: float):
Parameter | Parameter Type | Expected Values | Remarks |
period | double (floating point value) | 5-20 | If the period value is 0, a default value of 10 will be used. |
Return: | double (floating point value) | 0 (No Pattern Found), 1 (Pattern Found) |
Marubozu Continuation Candlestick Pattern (MARUBOZU)
White Marubozu is a bullish reversal/continuation pattern. It is a large white candlestick with no wicks on either end. It is considered to be an extremely bullish candle. The candle can lead to a continuation of the current uptrend or start of a bearish reversal.
This candle often occurs with high volume. So it becomes very crucial to determine whether it is a continuation or reversal.
public async Task<double> MARUBOZUAsync( double period )
def marubozu(self, period: float):
Parameter | Parameter Type | Expected Values | Remarks |
period | double (floating point value) | 5-20 | If the period value is 0, a default value of 10 will be used. |
Return: | double (floating point value) | 0 (No Pattern Found), 1 (Pattern Found) |
Morning Doji Star Bullish Candlestick Pattern (MORNINGDOJISTAR)
A Morning Doji Star consists of a long bearish candle, followed by a Doji that has gapped below it, then a third bearish candle that closes well within the body of the first candle and in doing so confirming the reversal. It is considered a strong bullish price reversal candlestick pattern.
public async Task<double> MORNINGDOJISTARAsync( double period )
def morning_doji_star(self, period: float):
Parameter | Parameter Type | Expected Values | Remarks |
period | double (floating point value) | 5-20 | If the period value is 0, a default value of 10 will be used. |
Return: | double (floating point value) | 0 (No Pattern Found), 1 (Pattern Found) |
Morning Star Bullish Candlestick Pattern (MORNINGSTAR)
A morning star is a visual pattern consisting of three candlesticks that is interpreted as a bullish sign by technical analysts. A morning star forms following a downward trend and it indicates the start of an upward climb. It is a sign of a reversal in the previous price trend. Traders watch for the formation of a morning star and then seek confirmation that a reversal is indeed occurring using additional indicators.
public async Task<double> MORNINGSTARAsync( double period )
def morning_star(self, period: float):
Parameter | Parameter Type | Expected Values | Remarks |
period | double (floating point value) | 5-20 | If the period value is 0, a default value of 10 will be used. |
Return: | double (floating point value) | 0 (No Pattern Found), 1 (Pattern Found) |
Spinning Top Neutral Candlestick Pattern (SPINNINGTOP)
A spinning top is a candlestick formation that signals indecision regarding the future trend direction.
Similar to a doji pattern, a spinning top is considered a neutral pattern, although many do end in reversals.
This candlestick formation signals indecisiveness amongst buyers and sellers, as neither of these sides has the upper hand, which is why it is classified as a neutral pattern.
public async Task<double> SPINNINGTOPAsync( double period )
def spinning_top(self, period: float):
Parameter | Parameter Type | Expected Values | Remarks |
period | double (floating point value) | 5-20 | If the period value is 0, a default value of 10 will be used. |
Return: | double (floating point value) | 0 (No Pattern Found), 1 (Pattern Found) |
Star Neutral Candlestick Pattern (STAR)
A star is a type of candlestick formation that is identified when a small-bodied candle is positioned above the price range of the previous candle as a result of a gap in the underlying asset price.
public async Task<double> STARAsync( double period )
def star(self, period: float):
Parameter | Parameter Type | Expected Values | Remarks |
period | double (floating point value) | 5-20 | If the period value is 0, a default value of 10 will be used. |
Return: | double (floating point value) | 0 (No Pattern Found), 1 (Pattern Found) |
Three Black Crows Bearish Candlestick Pattern (THREEBLACKCROWS)
Three black crows indicate a bearish candlestick pattern that predicts the reversal of an uptrend. Candlestick charts show the opening, high, low, and the closing price on a particular security. For stocks moving higher the candlestick is white or green. When moving lower, they are black or red.
The black crow pattern consists of three consecutive long-bodied candlesticks that have opened within the real body of the previous candle and closed lower than the previous candle. Often, traders use this indicator in conjunction with other technical indicators or chart patterns as confirmation of a reversal.
public async Task<double> THREEBLACKCROWSAsync( double period )
def three_black_crows(self, period: float):
Parameter | Parameter Type | Expected Values | Remarks |
period | double (floating point value) | 5-20 | If the period value is 0, a default value of 10 will be used. |
Return: | double (floating point value) | 0 (No Pattern Found), 1 (Pattern Found) |
Three White Soldiers Bullish Candlestick Pattern (THREEWHITESOLDIERS)
Three white soldiers is a bullish candlestick pattern that is used to predict the reversal of the current downtrend in a pricing chart. The pattern consists of three consecutive long-bodied candlesticks that open within the previous candle's real body and a close that exceeds the previous candle's high. These candlesticks should not have very long shadows and ideally open within the real body of the preceding candle in the pattern.
public async Task<double> THREEWHITESOLDIERSAsync( double period )
def three_white_soldiers(self, period: float):
Parameter | Parameter Type | Expected Values | Remarks |
period | double (floating point value) | 5-20 | If the period value is 0, a default value of 10 will be used. |
Return: | double (floating point value) | 0 (No Pattern Found), 1 (Pattern Found) |
White Marubozu Bullish Candlestick Pattern (WHITEMARUBOZU)
The word marubozu means "bald head" in Japanese, and this is reflected in the candlestick's lack of wicks. When the open price of a stock = day low, and close price = day high, we have the bullish or White Marubozu. A White Marubozu is a one day bullish indicator that moves upward and is considered very bullish. If a White Marubozu occurs at the end of an uptrend, a continuation is likely. If a White Marubozu occurs at the end of a downtrend, a reversal is likely.
public async Task<double> WHITEMARUBOZUAsync( double period )
def white_marubozu(self, period: float):
Parameter | Parameter Type | Expected Values | Remarks |
period | double (floating point value) | 5-20 | If the period value is 0, a default value of 10 will be used. |
Return: | double (floating point value) | 0 (No Pattern Found), 1 (Pattern Found) |
Updated over 3 years ago