
This page guides you through the usage of CLI Commands

Algorum CLI Commands are the core part of how you as a developer interact with Algorum Platform to develop, test, deploy, monitor and manage your Algo Trading strategies. Below are the list of Algorum CLI Commands and their description.

Command NameCommand Description
apikey-getGet the existing ApiKey.
apikey-refreshCreates a new ApiKey. Invalidates the existing ApiKey.
clear | clsClear contents of the screen.
docker-imagesList all the docker images on this system.
engine-ipDisplay User's Quant Engine IP address.
engine-restartRestart the Quant Engine.
helpDisplays help on list of Algorum CLI commands.
log-adhoc-backtest-downloadDownload log file for adhoc strategy run.
log-backtest-downloadDownload strategy backtesting logs.
log-backtest-listList all backtesting log files for a given strategy.
log-backtest-streamStream logs from the strategy backtest.
log-downloadDownload strategy logs.
log-listList all the log files for a given strategy.
log-raw-downloadDownload the raw Algorum Cloud logs of a strategy. These logs do not contain the logs written by your strategy using LogAsync method. These logs contain messages related to any errors in your strategy code, which are not logged using LogAsync method.
log-streamStream logs from the strategy.
loginLogin or register with Algorum.
quant-engine-versionShows your quant engine version.
strategy-attachAttach to a running strategy and receive stats.
strategy-backtestBacktest a strategy.
strategy-backtest-attachAttach to a running strategy backtest and receive progress and stats.
strategy-backtest-clear-stateClear all the state stored by a strategy backtest.
strategy-backtest-clear-state-keyClear a state key stored by a strategy backtest.
strategy-backtest-get-stateDownload all the state stored by a strategy backtest.
strategy-backtest-get-state-listGet the list of state keys stored by a strategy backtest.
strategy-backtest-get-statsDownload the strategy backtest stats.
strategy-backtest-stopStop backtesting of a strategy.
strategy-clear-stateClear all the state stored by a strategy.
strategy-clear-state-keyClear a state key stored by a strategy.
strategy-createCreate a new strategy.
strategy-get-stateDownload all the state stored by a strategy.
strategy-get-state-listGet the list of state keys stored by a strategy.
strategy-get-statsDownload the strategy stats.
strategy-infoGet the strategy information.
strategy-listList all strategies.
strategy-package-pushPush a strategy package to Algorum repository.
strategy-run-download-ordersDownload the orders of a given strategy run.
strategy-run-listGet the list of runs for a given strategy.
strategy-run-summaryGet the summary of a given strategy run.
strategy-start-live-tradingStart a strategy in live trading mode.
strategy-start-paper-tradingStart a strategy in paper trading mode.
strategy-stopStop a running strategy.
unregisterUnregister from Algorum.
user-log-downloadDownload log files of the currently logged in user.
user-log-listList log files of the currently logged in user.

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