Price Action Indicators
This page describes the page action indicators
Average Price (AVGPRICE)
Calculates the Average of the candles for the given period
public async Task<double> AVGPRICEAsync( double period )
def avg_price(self, period: float):
Parameter | Parameter Type | Expected Values | Remarks |
period | double (floating point value) | 1-200 | If the period value is 0, a default value of 10 will be used. |
Return: | double (floating point value) | Unbounded |
Close Price (CLOSE)
Current candle Close Price
public async Task<double> CLOSEAsync( double period )
def close(self, period: float):
Parameter | Parameter Type | Expected Values | Remarks |
period | double (floating point value) | 1-200 | If the period value is 0, a default value of 10 will be used. |
Return: | double (floating point value) | Unbounded |
Candle Close (CANDLECLOSE)
Calculates the Closing price of the candles within a given period
public async Task<double> CANDLECLOSEAsync( double period )
def candle_close(self, period: float):
Parameter | Parameter Type | Expected Values | Remarks |
period | double (floating point value) | 1-200 | If the period value is 0, a default value of 10 will be used. |
Return: | double (floating point value) | Unbounded |
Candle Open (CANDLEOPEN)
Calculates the Open price of the candles within a given period
public async Task<double> CANDLEOPENAsync( double period )
def candle_open(self, period: float):
Parameter | Parameter Type | Expected Values | Remarks |
period | double (floating point value) | 1-200 | If the period value is 0, a default value of 10 will be used. |
Return: | double (floating point value) | Unbounded |
Candle High (CANDLEHIGH)
Calculates the Maximum price of the candles within a given period
public async Task<double> CANDLEHIGHAsync( double period )
def candle_high(self, period: float):
Parameter | Parameter Type | Expected Values | Remarks |
period | double (floating point value) | 1-200 | If the period value is 0, a default value of 10 will be used. |
Return: | double (floating point value) | Unbounded |
Candle Low (CANDLELOW)
Calculates the Minimum price of the candles within a given period
public async Task<double> CANDLELOWAsync( double period )
def candle_low(self, period: float):
Parameter | Parameter Type | Expected Values | Remarks |
period | double (floating point value) | 1-200 | If the period value is 0, a default value of 10 will be used. |
Return: | double (floating point value) | Unbounded |
High Price (HIGH)
Current candle High Price
public async Task<double> HIGHAsync()
def high(self):
Parameter | Parameter Type | Expected Values | Remarks |
Return: | double (floating point value) | Unbounded |
Low Price (LOW)
Current candle Low Price
public async Task<double> LOWAsync()
def low(self):
Parameter | Parameter Type | Expected Values | Remarks |
Return: | double (floating point value) | Unbounded |
Open Price (OPEN)
Current candle Open Price
public async Task<double> OPENAsync()
def open(self):
Parameter | Parameter Type | Expected Values | Remarks |
Return: | double (floating point value) | Unbounded |
Previous Close Price (PREVCLOSE)
Previous candle Close Price
public async Task<double> PREVCLOSEAsync()
def prev_close(self):
Parameter | Parameter Type | Expected Values | Remarks |
Return: | double (floating point value) | Unbounded |
Previous High Price (PREVHIGH)
Previous candle High Price
public async Task<double> PREVHIGHAsync()
def prev_high(self):
Parameter | Parameter Type | Expected Values | Remarks |
Return: | double (floating point value) | Unbounded |
Previous Low Price (PREVLOW)
Previous candle Low Price
public async Task<double> PREVLOWAsync()
def prev_low(self):
Parameter | Parameter Type | Expected Values | Remarks |
Return: | double (floating point value) | Unbounded |
Previous Open Price (PREVOPEN)
Previous candle Open Price
public async Task<double> PREVOPENAsync()
def prev_open(self):
Parameter | Parameter Type | Expected Values | Remarks |
Return: | double (floating point value) | Unbounded |
Updated about 3 years ago